Signaling is an important part of WebRTC stack because it defines how a client connects to the host.
Our products use WebRTC-HTTP ingestion protocol (WHIP) signaling for ingest and WebRTC HTTP Egress Protocol (WHEP) for playback.
We also recently added adaptive bitrate playback for WHEP for Nimble Streamer.
Nimble Streamer
WHIP ingest into Nimble
Nimble Streamer WebRTC WHIP ingest implementation includes the following:
- Ingest of WebRTC live stream via WHIP signaling.
- H.264, VP8 and VP9 video.
- H.265/HEVC video on Apple devices.
- AV1 video from Chrome browsers.
- Opus audio input.
Read WHIP WebRTC setup article for more details about the process.
We also have several videos about setup and usage:
WHIP JS publisher
WebRTC JavaScript publisher library allows adding publishing capabilities to your web pages.
Use its code in your projects or take it as is for embedding into your pages to connect your users to Nimble Streamer.
WebRTC publication demo page uses WebRTC JS publisher library to provide simple way to check Nimble Streamer server setup.
WHEP Playback from Nimble
Nimble Streamer WebRTC WHEP playback includes the following:
- Egress of WebRTC live stream via WHEP signaling.
- H.264, VP8 and VP9 video.
- Adaptive bitrate support for WHEP.
- AV1 video in Chrome browsers.
- Opus audio input.
Nimble WHEP setup article gives more details about the WHEO playback setup process.
WebRTC adaptive bitrate WHEP article describes setup and usage of ABR WHEP streams with Nimble Streamer.
NEW: Inside of WebRTC adaptive bitrate streaming algorithm gives a deep look at our ABR algorithm internals.
WHEP Load Tester tool allows testing WHEP WebRTC playback performance. It launches the simultaneous playback of any number of sessions for a WHEP stream. This way you can test the capacity of your WebRTC WHEP solution and see its performance limits.
WHEP Player
WebRTC Player library allows adding playback capabilities to your web pages, including ABR WHEP support.
Player demo page shows example of the setup but you can adapt it to your needs.
Larix Broadcaster
Larix Broadcaster supports WebRTC output for both Android and iOS.
This is part of Larix Premium in-app subscription available for just $9.99/m.
- Video is encoded with H.264, audio is encoded with Opus.
- Android version supports VP8 and VP9 video.
- WHIP signaling is used for communication.
- User can stream via multiple simultaneous connections with any combination of WebRTC, SRT, RTMP, NDI, Zixi, RTSP and RIST.
WebRTC output is successfully tested with Cloudflare Stream, Dolby.io and Nimble Streamer.
Broadcasting Mobile Native WebRTC Streams article by Dolby.io gives Larix WebRTC usage example.
Check WebRTC setup article on CloudFlare website as well.
Let us know about your experience with WebRTC in our products.
Pion WebRTC
Nimble Streamer and Larix Broadcaster use Pion implementation of WebRTC API.
Softvelum extends a special thanks to Sean DuBois and all Pion contributors.