Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure

Documentation reference for Larix Broadcaster

Here you can find links to all documentation related to Larix Broadcaster and Larix Screencaster setup as well as some useful information. If you’re looking for a list of features, please check these pages: Larix for Android and Larix for iOS.

The anatomy of RTMP URL (with YouTube as example)

Every RTMP URL has these parts:

  • Server and application name, e.g. rtmp://yourserver.com:1935/live or rtmps:// It has a protocol prefix, a domain or URL, a port (optionally) and an application name. For YouTube Live it would be “rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2”
  • Stream name or Stream key. It’s also usually some alphanumeric stream name. E.g. for YouTube Live it’s like “abcd-efgh-abcd-efgh”.

Combine these parts to create a URL to insert into Connection URL field in Larix Broadcaster settings (see the links to full instructions below).
For example if you see Primary Server URL in YouTube Live as “rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2” and Stream Name as “abcd-efgh-abcd-efgh”, then your full URL will be “rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/abcd-efgh-abcd-efgh”.

BTW, YouTube recommends Larix among very few mobile encoders, see more details on the setup below. Please follow their recommendations and requirements for setup as well.

NEW SERVICE: Larix Tuner

You can effortlessly manage multiple Larix Broadcaster app instances from Larix Tuner web service to simplify remote production and enhance your streaming workflow.

  • Enable Larix Premium features via web service on any number of devices. Watch tutorial
  • Remotely manage Larix instances: define settings and control behavior. Watch tutorial
  • Create backups and restore settings.
  • Track steaming sessions’ statistics in real time.
  • Use REST API to automate the workflow.

Visit Larix Tuner page for more details and sign up to simply your REMI.

Larix Broadcaster streaming setup videos

First, watch our general instructions videos:

Watch more in our Mobile products playlist and Larix external reviews playlist.

Download Larix Broadcaster APK

You can download the official Larix Broadcaster APK to get Larix without Google services and NDI, with Larix Tuner to enable Premium features.

Larix Broadcaster streaming setup articles

There are numerous setup instructions for Larix apps:

If you use rule-of-thirds and other visual features of Larix, you may want to watch this video by Jan Ozer:
Video Camera and Webcam Framing for Live and VOD video

Mentions and usage

Larix Broadcaster usage is mentioned by a number of industry professionals.

Third-party tutorial videos

Watch new tutorials from our users in our Larix reviews playlist.
Here are some of them:

Watch more

Grove, Talkback and tests

Larix Grove is a format which allows easily distribute your connection and encoding settings via deep links and QR codes.
Visit Larix Grove page to learn the spec and create your settings import with online wizard.
Take a look at the example as well: Livescale uses Grove to propagate streaming settings to customers.

Larix Talkback allows getting audio return feed into Larix Broadcaster. Watch a couple of tutorials in Spanish about its usage:

Also, we test our products properly before releasing into production. Here are overview pages describing how we test our solutions: Larix Broadcaster Android connectivity tests and Larix Broadcaster iOS connectivity tests.

Screencasting from iOS via Larix Screencaster

Apple requires additional screencasting setup for Larix Screencaster besides the streaming part.
Notice that if you stream your screen, you can only use your microphone. If currently opened application supports ReplayKit, then you’ll be able to stream its sound.
This is the limitation of iOS.
Install and set up Larix Screencaster streaming and then use these descriptions to perform the setup:

Larix Player