Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure

Download Larix Broadcaster APK

Larix Android APK without Google Services

Larix Broadcaster is often used on the devices that don’t have access to Google Play or other Google services. In this case our users had to extract APK file in order to install it there, sometimes working unexpectedly on some devices.

Our team has created an official Larix Broadcaster APK so you don’t have to do that. We release it along with the latest production build of Larix Broadcaster in Google Play.

Google Services are disabled

This APK has no Google services embedded in it:

  • Google Play store and respective subscription is not supported.
  • Firebase Crashlytics events and stats are not reported to Google.


NDI is not available in this APK due to licensing restrictions.

Larix Tuner subscription

Since Google Play subscription doesn’t work in this official APK, the only way to enable Larix Premium features is to use Larix Tuner web service. You simply subscribe to Tuner license and activate it in your Larix app installed from APK.

Along with having Premium, you will have full access to remote production and control functionality, backups and live stats.

Download official Larix Broadcaster APK

You can click on the button below to download the APK and install it on your Android device.

When the app is installed, subscribe to Larix Tuner license and activate it in your APK to unlock full feature set.

Also, each time you start the app, it will check and notify you if a new version is available for download. This way you’ll be able to get latest updates properly.

Also check the release notes with a list of available builds.

Let us know of any questions or suggestions regarding our official Larix Broadcaster APK.

Take a look at our latest article:
Phone Takeover: Replacing Pro Cameras in Live Streaming
shows how a modern phone can be used instead of low- and mid-tier cameras
for live production and REMI contribution, along with notable examples.