Efficient tools to build your streaming infrastructure

Streaming statistics in Larix Tuner

Larix Tuner remote control service provides various features, one of which is the collection of streaming statistics

When your contributor is streaming into designated location, network conditions may mess the process which may result in content quality problems. Having stats right here right now allows checking the issues and determine potential sources of issues.

Larix Tuner collects these stats for real-time analysis. It also stores cumulative daily stats to see how your contributors performed over time.

Currently Larix Tuner collect the following metrics:

  • Bandwidth (a.k.a. bitrate, a.k.a transmission speed) – minimum, maximum and average.
  • Output traffic
  • Lost traffic
  • RTT – min, max and average
  • Data loss – min, max and average

Read more on Larix Tuner website and take a look at a few of the pictures. Soon we’ll release a video demonstrating the real-time metrics collection.

If you have any feedback about Larix Tuner feel free to let us know about it.

Sign up for Larix Tuner account to try it in action.