Larix Player SDKs
Price for Android / Android TV SDK: 500 USD/m
Price for iOS / tvOS SDK: 500 USD/m
Our Player SDKs are available via subscription.
As long as you are subscribed, you’ll get SDK updates and our technical support.
License subscription requires periodical monthly payments which are not refundable.
To subscribe for an SDK, you’ll need to register for WMSPanel account.
This will allow you to choose the SDKs for subscription and to download the purchased packages.
The registered account will remain active even if you cancel your subscriptions so you can get back any time later.
By subscribing to any of our SDKs, you agree to SDK software license agreement.
Re-sale or re-distribution of SDKs or their parts outside of original subscriber organization is forbidden.
Make sure you have read the answers for frequently asked questions on this page regarding our SDK subscription and their further usage.
Subscribe for HTML5 SLDP Player SDK
Price for HTML5 Player SDK: 500 USD/m
SLDP web player subscription is processed in a separate way.
After subscription, you will define the list of domains where you want to use the player at. Then you’ll be able to generate your own SDK package.
Any questions?
Q1: Is there a trial for your SDKs?
Our SDKs can be tried in action using corresponding freeware applications available in app stores. The SDKs have source code of those apps.
Q2: Are there any limitations on SDKs usage?
You may create one application by your company, based on one purchased SDK. If you un-subscribe, your apps will remain fully functional.
Q3: Can I use your SDK if my SDK subscription is canceled?
Yes, you can use SDK and release your apps even if SDK was canceled after one or more months of payments. However, you will not be receiving SDK updates nor will you be able to get our technical support.
Q4: I used to be subscribed to SDK before, then canceled, how can I get updates now?
Just subscribe again for those SDKs which you’re interested in.
Q5: Can you make a branded app for me and submit it in stores?
No. Our team in concentrated on the core product, and we recommend hiring mobile dev professionals who can make custom branding for you.
This won’t take much money and time though. Just subscribe for the SDK you need and give it to an integrator of your choice, they’ll complete it within a couple of days, depending on a level of customization.
You may also consider contacting integrator companies which have experience with our products. They are not affiliated with Softvelum but you should definitely try contacting them.
Q6: Can I develop apps with your SDK for my customers?
You must have a separate SDK subscription for each of your customers.
Re-sale or re-distribution of SDKs or their parts outside of original subscriber organization is forbidden.
So yes, you can develop apps for other companies but for each new customer you will have to make separate subscription under the same terms as you would have for your own development.
Q7: How do I know about SDK updates?
If you are subscribed to any SDK, you will get notification about updates via email.
You may also check SDK releases history page to check what we have at the moment.
Q8: I have more questions!
Larix documentation reference has large set of tutorials and articles which might help you set up our applications. Also read technical FAQ for more answers.
Q9: Do you sell Larix Broadcaster SDK?
No. Larix Broadcaster SDK was sunset, it’s not available for purchase. If you’d like to buy the full code base, let us know. Yes, it will be very expensive.